Biosauna - A New Dimension of Healthy Relaxation

Advantages and Principles of Biosauna

What is a Biosauna?
The biosauna is a special type of sauna that operates at lower temperatures (45-60°C) and higher humidity levels (40-60%), making it gentler on the body than a traditional Finnish sauna.
This combination allows the body to relax while detoxifying without placing excessive strain on the heart and circulatory system.
The biosauna is particularly recommended for those who cannot tolerate high temperatures, making it an ideal choice for the elderly, children, or individuals with health issues.

Principle of Biosauna Operation
The principle of biosauna operation lies in its functioning at lower temperatures (45-60°C) and higher humidity levels (40-60%), making it less strenuous on the body compared to traditional saunas. The higher humidity creates a more comfortable perception of heat, effectively stimulating blood circulation and aiding in detoxification.
The milder environment provided by the biosauna allows for longer sauna sessions while promoting relaxation for both the body and mind. Biosaunas that incorporate aromatherapy and light therapy further enhance the relaxation experience, support stress relief, and improve overall well being.

Aromatherapy in the Biosauna
Aromatherapy is a particularly popular complement in the biosauna, enhancing the beneficial effects of sauna sessions. In this relaxing environment, essential oils are vaporized, providing not only a pleasant fragrance but also healing properties for both the body and soul. For example, lavender has calming and stress-relieving effects, while eucalyptus helps to cleanse the airways and supports breathing.
A biosauna enriched with essential oils not only relaxes the muscles but also offers specific health benefits through the careful selection of oils.