Experience and Wellness: Light Therapy

How Does Light Therapy Work in the Sauna?

Features of Light Therapy
Light therapy is one of the modern wellness technologies that harnesses the positive effects of different colors and lights to promote physical and mental harmony.
Advanced systems like Collaxx offer customizable light combinations that support relaxation, energy boosting, and meditation. The polarized light of the Bioptron lamp is particularly effective for skin regeneration, pain relief, and stress reduction.
Thanks to their ease of use and programmability, these systems are ideal for both private and professional wellness spaces.

Innovation in Light Therapy
The Collaxx and Bioptron systems represent the forefront of modern light therapy, opening new dimensions in the world of wellness. Collaxx's LED technology offers personalized color combinations for relaxation, energy enhancement, or meditation.
The polarized light of the Bioptron lamp supports skin regeneration and relieves pain. Together, they make sauna sessions more enjoyable and health-conscious by combining healing light with soothing warmth.
This innovation not only enhances the sauna experience but also makes it more health-focused.

Applications of Light Therapy
Light therapy has broad applications across various wellness and health fields. In private saunas and relaxation rooms, it promotes relaxation and stress reduction.
In spas and hotels, it is offered as a premium service to enhance guest experiences.
In healthcare facilities, it serves as an effective tool for pain relief, skin regeneration, and stress management.
Thanks to their versatility, Collaxx and Bioptron systems are ideal for both private and professional environments.

Effects of Light on Body and Mind
The effects of different lights on the body and mind are unique.
Red provides energy and stimulates blood circulation, while orange radiates joy and reduces stress. Green creates harmony, while blue and violet calm the mind, promote relaxation, and improve sleep quality.
With Collaxx's precise LED technology and Bioptron's polarized light, these benefits are even more intensified and effective during sauna sessions.
These technologies not only enhance the visual ambiance but also elevate the overall wellness experience, making each session deeply rejuvenating.