Combined sauna for the entire family
De Lux Family combined sauna is the perfect choice for families and friends who make a group of 5 or 6 to enjoy together the experience a combined sauna has to offer.
Besides the Finnish and infrared sauna facility, it also provides healing effects due to the steam sauna and the Himalayan salt wall made of hand-mined salt bricks and wall-mounted on a 2 square meters surface.
The most stylish elements of a De Lux Family combined sauna are the custom-designed sauna bench structure featuring a countersunk stove
and a window pane with semicircular arch.
Decorative glass surfaces integrated in the cabin play a key role in creating such a unique atmosphere in the combined sauna.
The arched and harmonized glass surface, the nice colour and scent provided by the red cedar wall panelling and the Himalayan salt therapy tones all combine into a calm and very elegant atmosphere.
What is a 4-in-1 combined sauna?
• Himalayan salt therapy
• Infrared sauna
• Finnish sauna
• Steam sauna
Thanks to our combined sauna manufacturing technology, we are able to upgrade standard sauna cabins to unique combined saunas.
The iSauna App is now available for iPhone and Android! The smartphone app for the control is available for FREE download from the Apple AppStore and Android Play Store: