Sauna design with 3D plan with customized manufacturing
How can I find the sauna building company that creates premium customized saunas at the best price on the market?
You must be having hard times finding sauna manufacturing enterprises and carpenters that:
■ are reliable!
■ provide warranty for their work!
■ deliver correct, fast and precise work!
■ have in-house designer team (capable of 3D renderings) and hold international TÜV certification!
■ last but not least, offer good value for money with their premium products and solutions!
Today, we have different forms of sauna experience. The most popular of all is likely to be the classic Finnish sauna, a small room built of wood where relatively high temperature and low humidity force your body to sweat. Another popular solution is bio-steam sauna where temperature is lower and air humidity is much higher.
Infrared saunas and bio-steam saunas offer lower temperature causing much less stress for human body thus allowing children and adults with hypertension as well to enjoy the benefits of infra and bio saunas.
The demand for custom-built saunas is consistently growing: exclusive design, interior visualizations and unique sauna construction solutions using a wide range of colours, shapes and wooden materials to make your custom sauna as unique as your home.
iSauna Manufacture Team is ready to help you every step along the way from designing to ready-to-use installation. We provide professional and expert consultation services, close communication and checking with customers on every aspect (whether online or in person) and 3D sauna construction designs, architerctural renderings to let you build the sauna of your dreams in your garden and enjoy whatever a self-owned wellness facility can give you at your own home.
iSauna sauna types:
■ Custom-built indoor sauna
■ Custom-built outdoor sauna
■ Custom-built sauna house
■ Steam sauna
■ Bio sauna
■ Infrared sauna
■ Finnish sauna
■ Combined sauna
■ 4-in-1 custom-built combined sauna
■ Himalayan salt therapy
Our custom-built saunas are already available with iPhone and Android APP control system! The application for this control system is FREE to download from Apple AppStore and Android Play Store: