iSauna international Affiliate Program
Join our international sauna and sauna house reseller program!
- Resources
- Liability
- Growth possibilities
- Registration

What do I get?
Our iSauna sauna reseller partners get special discounts from the price of the standard and individual sauna cabins and sauna houses.
The iSauna Manufacture operates websites for its partners, highly optimized for more countries and languages, having strong google search results and containing a lot of references, product descriptions. Our resellers can place their own address and contacts on our websites.
The iSauna Sauna Manufacture plans and produces premium quality luxury sauna cabins upon individual ideas. All these verifies our international TÜV Certificate, which was given in Hungary only for the iSauna Manufacture.
Our partners get digital product information materials from the beginning and during the cooperation, so that they can properly inform the clients during the sales.
If you become later a premium partner, you get more advantages, so that your clients connect closer to you through the individual marketing materials and special pricing.
After having joint our program, we help all of our partners beginning from the first steps up to customers’ problem solving. All these in German, English, Slovak, Czech, French and Hungarian.
To avoid too much works on side, we transport our saunas, sauna houses prebuilt and in big elements disassembled form to the installation place on road or sea transport.
We help our partners with special services, like conception plans about the saunas, sauna houses, basement plans and 3D plans.

What are the expectations towards me?
In case of distribution of premium quality products is unavoidable the personal contact arrangement between product and client, especially before sale. To help for your customers by making decisions, you will need a showroom, where you can present the iSauna saunas.
You can get more advantage with connection and information devices, like the iSauna live chat on the website. With that the contact is easier with your customers.
Our qualified colleagues help our partners to make cost estimate materials as fast as possible, the pricing of the individual saunas is dedicated to our partners with the aim to galvanize the business.
It is important that our partners represent themselves. That is why we support them on a high level in the participation on trade fairs and representation of the iSauna brand.
If you would like to build a successful company for the representation of the iSauna Manufacture, it is very important to search for new contacts and sales possibilities by using your expertise and local contacts.

Grow with outstanding iSauna partner possibilities
Thanks to our creative designer team, our product range continuously extends with newest technology saunas, sauna houses, so that you always can show novelties for your customers.
The iSauna Manufacture follows not only the trends but also the technical development for the best sauna feeling. Our manufacture constructs its saunas with new smartphone controls, high tech sauna stoves and infrared panels.
The iSauna Manufacture’s designer team follows the newest trends, plans the continuously extending product range upon marketing researches as well.
The common success is the aim of both sides. That is why we provide our partners regional exclusivity to raise their support.

How can I become partner?
You have nothing else to do than download the registration questionnaire, fill it out and return it to the
If your company fulfills the criteria, it remains nothing else than sign the contract.